ADVERTISE with us in our Playbills

Full Page

4.75 W x 7.75 H

1/2 Page

4.75 W x 3.75 H

1/3 Page

4.75 W x 2.50 H

Advertisement Specifications

* Must meet size dimensions exactly
* Flattened PDF files are preferable
* JPG files are acceptable in 300+ dpi


All advertisers will receive full color ad placement (if sent to us in color) in the downloadable PDF versions of our show programs at no additional charge.


All Full-Page advertiser logos will be displayed as a clickable link in our partners section at the bottom of each page of our website.

2024-2025 Season Rates

Ad Size                          

Full Season Rate

Back Cover - Full Page
(full color)                        


Inside Cover - Full Page
(full color)


Full Page                         
(full color)


Full page                          
(b & w)


1/2 Page                          
(b & w)


1/3 Page                           
(b & w)
